Sunday, March 2, 2008 

Increase Quality Or Bid $5.00 To Activate - Solutions For Google Adwords

If youve ever done a Google Adwords campaign, you might have come across this message for one of your keyword which reads Increase quality or bid $5.00 to activate.

First, lets look at the reason for this. When Google looks at any placement, it looks at relevancy (perceived relevancy in this case) as discussed in previous Marketing Insight ezines. The reason you have gotten this message is that Google feels that your ad does not relate to the keyword - so it de-activates that keyword. What this message is also saying is that, if you dont know how to use Google Adwords, you should be paying 5 times more than necessary. So what do you do?

Google make fortunes from people who are so desperate to have their ad shown on that keyword that they agree to the given price. That is a huge mistake and will cost you big. Imagine your lead cost going up by 5 times for that keyword!

Here are two better options for you:

1.) Remove the keyword from that campaign and place it into another ad group that is more relevant or create an ad group campaign that has the keyword in the headline. This is what you should have done from the beginning - group related keywords together so they make sense.

Here are some examples:

GROUPING THE WRONG WAY keywords like Home Business, Earn Money, Online Business, Make Money Fast with an ad that reads Make $20,000/mo From Home. The problem is, even though the ad might be good, the keywords are too different and do not match the ad, therefore your ad is being de-activated.

GROUPING THE RIGHT WAY The right way to do it is to set up 3 separate ad groups for the above keywords and add related, similar keywords to it like this Home Business, Home Based Business, Business from Home, etc. The ad would read Best Home Based Business or $1,000/Day-Home Business (some of the keywords are in the title)

Create another ad group for your other keywords like - Earn Money, Earn Money from Home, Earn Extra Money, etc. Your ad would include some if not all keywords in the title like Earn Money Fast, Earn Money While Sleeping Earn $3,000/Day, etc.

In other words, when you have the keywords matching the selection of words used in your ad, and your keywords appear in the headline, your ad will rarely be deactivated.

You just accomplished two thingsnot only will you not have to pay the higher price , instead, more likely, your cpc will drop even lower than what you paid before they asked you to increase your bid. Plus your click rate is even higher because the ad is more relevant.

2.) The other thing you can do is just delete the keyword for a few days and put it back up. Most likely, youll be back to the original bid price.

Bottom line, Google will reward you for relevancy and will charge you extra for generality. So, next time you get this message, do the smart thing and retool your adwords campaign and dont just pay the requested increase.

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Peter Grundner, a top advertising and marketing professional for over20 years, is now a full time Home Business Entrepreneur and founder of &

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Creating a Brand Position for Your Medical Practice

Carve out a market position to maximize your marketing investment

In the marketing world, positioning is a relatively new concept. Introduced in 1982 by marketing gurus, Al Ries and Jack Trout, the idea behind positioning is to clearly define what your practice represents to the patient. Through this unique position, a level of mindshare is devoted to your practice. These positioning efforts should clearly communicate what your practice offers.

Prior to the 1980's, Madison Avenue advertising executives allocated as much money as they could to mass marketing and it worked pretty well. At that time, media venues included newspaper, billboards, radio and three major TV channels. Whoever purchased the most ad space won the battle for the consumer's dollar. Today cable television and the Internet have fragmented the market and our attention into niches, irrevocably changing the face of marketing. Marketers now had to be smarter; shouting louder than everyone else was no longer effective. Positioning was born to define a product and service to a marketplace whose attention is increasingly more divided.

A good exercise to discern your practice's position is to draw a series of four concentric circles. On the outer circle allow room for eight to ten descriptive words which describe your practice's unique qualities. If you are an OB/GYN practice, the words may include 4D Ultrasound, experienced physicians, multiple locations, friendly staff, limited wait time and valet service. Within that circle, allow yourself six of those words that you deem most important to your patient base. Once this task is complete, move to the next circle allowing the three most important of the last six words. The last circle is designated for the most relevant descriptor of the final three words that you feel is of utmost importance. This one word or "core message" will help to reveal what your position or brand promise involves.

Unfortunately, it is not enough to build your core communications message around what you and your staff thinks. A patient survey will reveal what your patients perceive are the best assets of your practice and may reveal areas to be improved upon. Surveys also create a great deal of good will with patients because they are appreciative of the fact that your practice cares enough to gauge their happiness.

Once you have the results in from at least 200 surveys and your own core message evaluation in hand, a "visioning" process can take place. Mission and vision statements are important elements to a successful marketing plan. Too often, I hear that a mission statement was generated because, "everyone else had one!" A mission statement reveals what your practice's promise to its patients, referring physicians, employees and vendors is in a one-year period. It is common to reevaluate and modify the mission statement as your practice grows. A vision statement is exactly what it sounds like; a five-year vision of what your practice will become. The vision helps all your employees to "keep their eyes on the prize", enabling the practice to reach its fullest potential.

It is difficult for most practices to objectively understand how to position their business. The flurry of activity in a practice on a day to day basis limits time for true introspection like I've described within this article. Marketing is really about differentiating one product or service from another. In the medical marketplace you may have a competitor who offers almost identical services to yours. Development of a market position gives your practice a critical competitive advantage to help existing and potential patients to understand the difference in the two practices.

Once you've determined your practice's core message, a positioning or tag line may be developed. This positioning statement is a succinct message that captures your practices core message. A positioning statement should be memorable and relevant to the core message. This six or seven word statement should appear on everything that a patient sees, from business cards to website to exterior signage.

A defined position is the beginning of a strong brand. It will help grease the communication wheels for maximization of your marketing impact, with less investment.

Woody Stoudemire is owner and president of Medical Marketing, a strategic marketing firm specializing in patient retention and growth for health care practices. He is a 17 year veteran of the marketing communications industry.

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MLM Training - When to Develop Multiple Streams of Income

I've made millions in network marketing, I've made millions through investments, and I've also lost a lot of money too. Profit from my mistakes and learn how to best invest the money you make in your MLM business.

Network Marketing professionals often ask me how to manage the profits earned from their MLM income.

Can you make more money by diversifying into investments such as stocks, bonds, real estate, etc., and have your money working for you in other areas besides an MLM business? Or would you make more money by really focusing and investing your money back into your MLM business?

There are three items to think about when answering this question for yourself.

A. What else would you do with your time?

B. What else would you do with your money?

C. What else would you do with your attention (definition: the ability or power to concentrate mentally)?

Every investment (stocks, bonds, real estate, your sister's business) requires that you learn about it. And just the learning costs time and attention. And it is the using up of your attention that rarely gets factored into the "diversify your money" advice.

Probably what's most important here is, the greatest amount of money you will ever lose, is that amount you will never make because of misuse of A, B, and C from above.

I was listening to a radio talk show about 10 years ago and the advice given was to "Select the top three stock market sectors based on trends. Put one-third of your investment capital in each. Wait 10 years and you should be wealthy off your passive investments." I was making about 50 thousand dollars a month above my expenses - so I thought, "Why not?"

I chose the following sectors: Health Care, Technology, and Telecommunications. After losing about half of my money I changed to three different sectors. I looked at my portfolio today and I have lost another $11,848.78.

Don't get me wrong; there have been times I've made over $50,000 dollars in the stock market in a day. Fun! And there have been times I've lost $150,000 dollars in a day. Not fun.

In addition to that, I've spent an enormous amount of time on my "passive" investments. Many hours (per week) have gone into "pondering" (wasting item C from above) what the stock market is going to do next. Reading newsletters, magazines, newspapers, watching the stock market news and commentaries on TV. And still my return has been negative.

The only thing that has remained very stable and predictable is my network marketing income. Had I taken the same amount of money, roughly $500,000 and invested it into promoting my MLM home-based business would I have had a greater return? Yes.

So what about the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" philosophy of "Buy assets that produce more income?" Or the more common way it's stated, "Create multiple streams of income?"

As you may know, I created a prospecting tool based on that philosophy where I explain to prospects how wealth is created by investing in assets. ( So I'm very close to this subject.

However, if you listen closely to the way I stated it in the online movie, I say, "So what are assets? Well the most obvious ones are: stocks, bonds, real estate..." Then I say, " and businesses." And to that I'm referring to educating yourself about businesses. Whether that be your MLM home-based business or your pinball machine business.

Two common mistakes in making decisions on A, B,and C from above are:

1. Making decisions based on now vs. decisions based on future. Of course you need to pay your bills now. They're screaming at you! But keep in mind what I talk about in Brilliant Compensation - it's not faster (in the long run) to tie your young son's shoes than teaching him how to do it himself. If you tie his shoes for him you silence the screaming urgency, but you're still stuck with the job UNTIL you teach him to tie his own shoes. When you make financial decisions make sure you're looking at the long-term. Residual income that can be generated from an MLM business is sweet.

2. Making decisions based on "could you" instead of what you "will you" do with your time, money or attention. Example: A guy determines that it's a poor use of his time and attention to mow his own yard, so he hires the boy down the street to cut his grass. Now, what does he do with that extra time (A), and the extra attention (B)? He watches TV. Bad choice. When he was making the decision to hire the lawn boy he thought, "It's a waste of my time to mow the grass when I could be doing more important things like building my MLM business." Make sure when you free up any of the three resources you use them wisely.

Summary: My personal opinion is invest your time, money and attention into KNOWING your MLM home-based business and getting really good and profitable at it. Find and study MLM training that is proven and effective, and master it.

Continually reinvest your profits back into your network marketing business by promoting it more, that's where the high return is. When you have a surplus of income, buy a secure investment like Treasury Bills until you're ready to learn another business FULLY. By business I'm including all investment activities as well. Then focus your time, money and attention (from the surplus only) on knowing THAT business.

From my experience, diversifying my money has done nothing more than dissipated my focus, which has in turn lost a lot of money, time, and attention.

Tim Sales helps network marketers gain the confidence and skills to be an MLM success. Discover what you must know to become a true network marketing professional. Sign up for his free MLM training newsletter and listen to free training at

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